You see, Paladins can provide a range of buffs to their entire team, which requires a level of coordination so that buffs don’t overlap. Here’s one of the more specialised addons, useful only to Paladins, but it’s critical in all large-scale cooperation content. It’s a great addon if you want to figure out just how good you’re doing against the rest of your dungeon or raid group, or want to improve your overall performance. Here’s a fun one! Details is a tracker that notes down how much damage and healing players are dealing in fights, as well as other handy stats such as interrupts done by people, overhealing, and enemy damage taken. With this installed, you shouldn’t have to do much research ahead of a boss to figure out what’s going on.

Manage cookie settings Check out the Lich King Classic trailer here! Deadly Boss ModsĪ fan-favourite across both Classic and Retail World of Warcraft, Deadly Boss Mods is an addon that affects raid content, giving out alerts and handy information related to important spells, attacks, and generally dangerous happenings in some of World of Warcraft’s most powerful PvE enemies. To see this content please enable targeting cookies.